“Heart transplant recipients can not only lead completely normal lives.

They can lead extraordinary ones.”

My Story

I was born with a well-hidden challenge—a congenital heart disease called Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy. This caused my heart to form incorrectly in utero and shaped my life in ways I could never have imagined, both physically and emotionally.

As a child and young adult, I faced harsh judgements from those who didn’t understand the invisible battle I fought each day. Gym teachers, coaches, choreographers, coworkers, teammates, and loved ones labeled me as lazy and undisciplined. Even my extended social group sometimes misunderstood my limitations.

But through it all, I kept trying.

While it was clear that I had a very low tolerance for physical exercise, I didn’t receive a correct diagnosis of my underlying disease until my mid-30’s.  And then reality finally hit home: I wasn’t lazy and undisciplined! I was actually working harder than anyone else, all the time, just to keep breathing. Yes, the diagnosis was terrifying, but the validation of both my own fragility and strength kept my chin held high.

Living with LVNC cardiomyopathy meant that simple activities like hiking, biking, running, even dancing—experiences that many take for granted—were extremely limited for me. So I sought solace in alternative paths, like finding joy in the relationships I shared with others and engaging in artistic pursuits that nurtured my soul like creative writing, acting and singing.

But even as I remained determined to lead a normal life, it was clear that my condition was deteriorating until one morning in August 2017, I dropped dead. This put me on the path to a heart transplant and I finally received a new, healthy heart on July 22, 2018.

And suddenly, everything changed! 

When I awoke from surgery with a selfless stranger’s heart beating fiercely in my chest, I promised myself to take it everywhere and to do ALL of the things, especially the ones I had never been able to do with my native heart. I simply couldn’t think of a better way to show my gratitude to my Donor and their family than to take exquisite care of this gift and to give it the type of life any parent would want for their child. 

So after a lifetime of being left behind physically, I’ve spent the past 5 years focusing on health & fitness, counseling others who are pre- and post-transplant, and checking off the items on the Bucket List I once feared was only a fantasy.

Together, my new heart and I have sang & danced our way across numerous stages in musicals, we’ve lost over 50 pounds, we’ve hiked 500 high elevation miles in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, we’ve traveled to Kenya and Uganda on photo safari and hiked very rugged terrain to see the critically endangered mountain gorillas, we’ve spent incredible bonus time with my family & friends, we’ve laughed and loved and done our best to spread kindness in the world.

And in June 2023, to honor my Donor and their family—and to celebrate my 5 year Heartaversary-- I ran my first half marathon! ME! RUNNING A HALF MARATHON! 

As I worked my way through those 13.1 miles, I had ample time to reflect on what a full circle moment it was. To think that only 5 years ago I couldn’t walk across my living room or climb a single flight of stairs without stopping to breathe… and here I was, running an endurance race at 10,000 feet! When I crossed the finish line, I finally understood that if I just brought the same fierce determination I brought to my recovery from transplant to anything I wanted to achieve, I couldn’t be stopped.

This is my story.

It is incredible what one can do with a fully-functioning heart and the determination not to waste a single moment of this life we’ve been given. That is what I want to share with you, because as it turns out, you don’t need an actual heart transplant to have a change of heart.

If you’re struggling to find your own resiliency, if it’s impossible to see past the challenges in your life or to find humor in the “bad” things that happen, if you’re tired of your life living you and you’re ready to stop looking back at what might have been… walk with me.

Together, let’s face firmly forward, turn our countenances to the sun, and thrive.


June 2023 Update:

I am thrilled to share that I am now available for public speaking, public appearances and various creative endeavors in writing, singing and acting.. Whether you are organizing a conference, a corporate event or looking to collaborate on an artistic project, I would be honored to contribute my unique perspective and skill set. Simply click on “Contact Me” in the site navigation, and I will be in touch.