Andrea Ogg

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Day 131: New Heart Day

This is Derek, posting on behalf of Andrea.

We got the call that Andrea had been matched to a donor heart on Saturday at 12:32 pm. The past 18 hours have been a strange mixture of cyclone and monotony, terror and excitement.

Andrea’s surgery is scheduled for 6 am. Her parents arrived last night and her sister arrives today.

We have every reason to believe that she will survive the surgery and be back to her typical social media updates within a few days. 

In the meantime, I will try to keep you updated here while also caring for her, our family and myself with the help of many of you. Also, because she’s 100% Planning Tribe, Andrea wrote this and provided this photo of her kicking and doing jazz hands yesterday in the ICU. Because of course she did.

Stay tuned. 💚