Andrea Ogg

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It's Wednesday, right? 

Forgive the pun in the title, Derek hates puns and I seem incapable of not tormenting him with them. This, too, I consider part of my charm but my guess is he sees it a bit differently.

After a fairly rough day yesterday, I decided to take bubble bath and then a full Ambien (I typically take a half). Sleep came for me very quickly, blissfully knocking me out from 10 pm until anxiety got too lonely early this morning and woke me at 4 am.

And you know what? I feel better today. I am down 2 of the almost 3 pounds I gained over the weekend and I was able to move slowly back and forth across the first floor (tidying up a bit) for about 10 minutes before I got out of breath. And I am able to reliably take deep breaths that fill my lungs.

I never thought I'd think of that as a triumph (yaaaaay... breathing and housework??), but I'm so happy about it this morning! Hopefully this means that the diuretic is doing its thing and my new normal will be a bit easier than yesterday.

(Side note: I feel shame when I get out of breath for walking across the room. This is from years and years and YEARS of feeling bad about my weight and relative fitness level and I can't seem to turn this stinkin' thinkin' off. So if you do the same, this is me encouraging you to stop that shit. You are magnificent just as you are.)

Now I'm propped up in front of the TV resting again. My friend Liz is coming to visit for a little while later today and I am so excited to see her... it's amazing how quickly you can began to feel "cut off" from people. 

And Mom and Dad arrive tomorrow! They are bringing some of their favorite recipes and will be helping out with some of the cooking, which will be a wonderful break for Derek. I also hope that Mom and I can do some Christmas baking. I haven't been able to enjoy her Christmas goodies since the last time we spent Christmas together in 2010, I didn't get any baking done last year, and if I fail again this year I fear my Southern card will be revoked.

I am going to have to up my pajama game, I think. Suggestions welcome and the funnier the better. Hopefully you guys know me well enough to know that I have a serious case of gallows humor.

Hope you have a wonderful day, you guys!