Consider this pop stand blown

Photo of Andrea's Mom (Priscilla) & Dad (Larry) on her living room couch. A small gray and white cat (Kip) is on Larry's lap

Hey guys, great news! 

The attending cardiologist just cleared me to leave with strict instructions to call my heart failure cardiologist Tuesday morning to update her and discuss adjusting some meds.

It's a good thing we're leaving because it's supposed to start snowing soon, it will be dark in about an hour (thanks, #PNW), my parents are all alone at home (and based on my teen years, I wouldn't blame them for a little payback), and Derek and I are sooooo slap happy from anxiety and lack of sleep that we just started writing a sitcom about the adventures of me and my whacky new molar. 

I've been dealing with a single dental implant situation in the back of my mouth since the Spring and "Toothy"™ will finally join this madcap family in early January. Seriously you guys, if I die before then, I will be so pissed. It's been a long time coming.

Merry Christmas!

Andrea OggComment